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Training of Key Resource Persons of Bihar on School Readiness
(Report of The PAC Programme 17.30)

Programme Coordinators
Dr. I. P. Gowramma, Associate Professor
Dr. Laxmidhar Behera, Associate Professor
Dr. Dhanya Krishnan, Assistant Professor


The early six years of child’s life constitute the most significant period, because this is the stage when the foundations for motor, sensory, cognitive and language development takes place. The UNESCO Report entitled “Strong Foundations: Early Childhood Care and Education” published in 2007 states that-strong early childhood foundations including good health, nutrition and a nurturing environment can help ensure a smooth transition to primary school, better chance of completing basic education and a route out for poverty and disadvantaged. The National Policy on Education (NPE, 1986), Programme of Action (POA, 1992) emphasized the need of early childhood care and education. The National Curriculum Framework (NCF, 2005) suggests that young children be provided care, opportunities and experiences that lead to all round development-physical, social, mental, emotional and school readiness. Quality is the most important factor that determines the outcome of any programmes for children. The term quality generally refers to high degree of goodness, worth or excellence in an object or a system. Relevance and excellence are two important attributes of quality care and education. As ECCE is implemented through various programmes and a lot of resources are being invested, the quality of the interventions remains a major issue to be managed. Considering the impact of the early years on the child’s development, it becomes very important to ensure that ECCE made available to the age group 0-6 is of good quality. Evolving quality programmes require concerted efforts on many fronts like regulations, quality workforce, resources, and advocacy, research, curriculum and setting up norms and standards. On the basis of global and national studies, the position paper on ECE (NCERT, 2005) has identified the following basic/essential elements of quality i.e. Curriculum, Teachers, Ratio and group size, Infrastructure and Supervision and monitoring. The Ministry of Women and Child Development (MWCD), Government of India, developed a National Policy and National ECCE Curriculum Framework in the year 2013 to promote quality and excellence in ECCE.NCERT has developed an Exemplar Guidelines for Implementation of ECCE Curriculum in 2015. In the light of the above, it becomes important to ensure that those who are dealing with this age group are sensitized on recent trends and issues on ECCE. ECCE.Teacher educators, school heads, Pre-Primary Teachers and other KRPs can prepare teachers and sensitize other personnel by developing their knowledge base on School readiness, planning and management of ECCE. For this it is important that those who are dealing with the age group directly as teachers, functionaries as well as those SSA Coordinators and teacher educators are trained. DIET Teacher educators are the key personnel who can sensitize teachers (pre service and in service). And the SSA state/district coordinators (ECCE) will sensitize Block/cluster level functionaries in cascade mode. The report has three parts. Part-I deals with planning, preparation, implementation and organization of the orientation programme.Part-II deals with the themes deliberated during the five day orientation programme. The last part contains the annexures. The training materials have been prepared by some teacher educators and practitioners working in the area of ECCE.The materials will again be reviewed after getting feedback from participants and resource persons involved in the programme.

I. P. Gowramma, Laxmidhar Behera, Dhanya Krishnan

27, March 2017
RIE, Bhubaneswar


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Training of Key Resource Persons of Bihar on School Readiness