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e-Governance: An Approach to Revolutionizing the Higher Education Sector in India

Mr.  Dipak Bhattacharya
Prof. Gowramnia I. P.

August, 2016


In the current era, e-Governance has emerged as an approach for strengthening higher educational sector. e-Governance involves new styles of leadership, new ways of debating and deciding policy and investment and new ways of assessing education, new ways of organizing and delivering information and services. United Nations e-Government Survey (2014) reported that India is one of the top 50 performers on eParticipation. e-Governance in higher education is understood as a set of activities involving the effective contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT ) for strengthening administration and management in higher education system. Bhanti et al. (2013) highlighted that “ e-Governance interface can be used to get the feedback from the students related to the course and performance of university. Students can directly give their feedback about the performance of the universities/colleges to the regulatory bodies” . Technology and transparency are two vital inputs having the potential to transform the system of higher education into a vibrant space for learning and research. Goel (2008) observed that there is no uniformity as far as admissions to the universities are concerned. Besides national level test for medical and engineering, private universities and the universities running under state government conduct their separate admission test. This leads to wastage of time and money for the entrants. Although MHRD has been thinking of conducting one test and prepare a common list for successful candidates so that they have a choice based on selecting the institution, it has not been put to action. In order to conduct such a test at national level, a tremendous amount of data needs to be managed. Such a huge flow of data can only be managed through the use of ICTs. Effective utilization of e-Governance have multiple effects such as creation of earning opportunities and jobs, improvement in the delivery and access to basic services like health and education. Oktem et al. (2014) found that usage of e-Govemance applications were mainly related to the Internet usage variables rather than socio economic status of students. Internet security, Internet usage level, Internet usage ability, and Internet usage tendencies were independent variables that had significant effects on the solution of the problem of improving ICTs usage in the processes of governance.


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e-Governance- An Approach to Revolutionizing the Higher Education Sector in India