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Remedial Instruction for Teaching Multiplication to Children with Dyscalculia in Inclusive Primary School: An Experimental Study

I. P. Gowramma
S. Ramaa
November, 2002


The article explains the difficulties encountered by children with dyscalculia – a specific learning disability. The authors deal with one of the fundamental arithmetical operations, i.e. multiplication. The study aims at developing remedial arithmetical programme to teach children with dyscalculia. The effectiveness of the programme has been studied through experimental design. The authors have identified common errors in multiplications and compared them in children with and without dyscalculia. The study has implications for teaching multiplication in inclusive schools.

Keywords: Remedial Instruction, Dyscalculia, Inclusive Education.


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Remedial Instruction for Teaching Multiplication to Children with Dyscalculia in Inclusive Primary School: An Experimental Study