Understanding of Nature of Science and its Different Aspects
Ms. Priyanka Kishore
Prof.Gowramma I.P.
December, 2018
Nature of Science (NOS) is considered as the integral part of the process of teaching and learning science. To have a proper understanding on the different aspects of NOS for pre-service teachers is crucial. Therefore, it is very important to know the level of understanding of pre-service teachefs on NOS. This study was designed to know the level of understanding of pre-service teachers on the different aspects of NOS. This descriptive research deals with qualitative data collected by using the open ended questionnaire of tool VNOS-C and the given responses was interpreted and analyzed to understand the level of understanding of participants by assigning them score as naive, tfansitional and informed level as described in the rubric of the tool.
Keywords: Nature of Science, Different Aspects of NOS, Knowledge and Understanding of Science, Pre-service Teachers.
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Understanding of Nature of Science and its Different Aspects